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torpedo proofing

Introducing Torpedo Proofing: Protecting Your Retirement Investment

More leisure time. A comfortable nest egg. Time spent with family. Hobbies. Travel. 

We spend decades dreaming of the lives we will lead after retirement. But, even the most successful industry leaders and dedicated savers still feel vulnerable to major destabilizing life events like a job loss, market downturn, or health crisis. We fear the torpedo –the event that irreparably damages our hopes for a comfortable retirement. 

Mitigating these “torpedo events” takes a unique investment approach and the help of a meticulous financial advisor. In this video, we’ll show you how to torpedo-proof your retirement plan so you can sleep—and dream—more peacefully.


 Video Transcript: 

Our industry would like to define what we do for our clients as just financial planning or investments. At Windward Wealth Strategies, we take financial planning a step further by applying a process called Torpedo Proofing. Retirement torpedoes are toxic events that can impact retirement assets or cash flow so dramatically that a client may never recover. 

Torpedo events might be outliving your assets, a long-term care event, disability, death or even the market underperforming. It can be very hard to control a life changing event and you usually can only manage to react to it. The sooner you define and acknowledge potential torpedoes and plan for their possibility, the less adjusting of your current lifestyle you will have to do. To do this, our team of financial planners will start with an exceptionally detailed cash flow retirement plan which will dictate how we put together an investment portfolio and will also create an opportunity for us to look for torpedoes. 

We then integrate all the important financial pieces in to the retirement strategy. After your retirement plan is complete, we will review the plan with you and deep dive in to life events that could impact your retirement. We will help you find ways to bridge a gap or prevent the worry that could occur if a toxic event were to happen. Our clients tell us they find great comfort and confidence in always knowing that the retirement vision is secure when we use our torpedo proofing process.