Greg Pierce on Investment Strategy & Portfolio Review
The markets right now are screaming portfolio review because I think most people’s portfolios carry way more risk today than even January of this year. Just look at where the markets have gone and how far things have run.
Fact: Market changes can introduce risk.
Risks have changed greatly from 6 months ago just because of how far the market has come.
Tip: When markets change, review your portfolio.
This is the time to be reviewing your portfolio, getting the risks you have in your portfolio in front of you.
Tip: Be sure your portfolio remains balanced.
With the markets all being up 10-20% depending on the market you’re talking about, If you haven’t rebalanced, that means your risk positions and your stock positions are way heavier in your portfolio than they were at the beginning of the year.
Tip: Be sure your investment strategy matches your goals.
This is the time at least to take some of that money and go home.